爆竹声中一岁除, 春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户曈曈日, 总把新桃换旧符。

春节(农历新年)是一年之岁首。春节是个辞旧迎新,欢乐祥和,亲朋好友欢聚的节日。也是我们华人最重要的传统节日。由于疫情不减,加华会理事会不得不取消一年一度的春节联欢晚会。 在农历牛年(辛丑年)即将到来之际, 加华会(RCCA) 理事会全体理事给大家拜个早年。 向全体加华会会员及家人致以春节的祝福。

恭祝大家身体健康, 家庭幸福, 事业顺利, 牛年吉祥!

Chinese New Year, the year of the Ox, falls on 12th of February, 2021. Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival and Lunar New Year, is the most prominent and celebrated festival among Chinese people and is the time when all family members get together seeing off the old year and greeting the new year. Due to the lockdown restrictions, we regret to inform you that this year's RCCA Chinese New Year celebration party has been cancelled. We are all hoping that in 2022 we can see the return of our traditional celebrations.
May this Chinese New Year bring you and your family happiness, wealth, and good health!

Happy Chinese 牛Year!
RCCA Board of Directors



Dear RCCA members: 




‘Tis the season…
for good friends and family to come together and enjoy some holiday merriment.




But, this year, the global pandemic has stretched into its ninth month, and we are facing a Christmas like no other. With Covid-19 cases on the rise, we regret to inform you that this year's RCCA C With Covid-19 cases on the rise, we regret to inform you that this year’s RCCA Christmas party has been cancelled.

The pandemic has put a strain on all of us and our members have been affected in very real and different ways. There is no doubt this holiday season will be different, but we can still celebrate, feel the holiday spirit and make it special with our loved ones. Different doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. If we look at it another way, the pandemic does offer opportunities to make this holiday a season to remember in new ways.

Thanks to the rapid advances in medical research, the COVID-19 pandemic will be under control so we can once again give everyone we love a big hug in person. Until then, please stay apart now so we can all celebrate good health together, when it is safe. 

Look forward to the day when this whole social distancing thing is over. All of our RCCA Saturday wellness group activities will be resumed soon and we can be together again!

Wishing each of you and your family a healthy holiday season and for a bright and positive 2021!

Wear a mask, wash your hands often and maintain physical distance.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


RCCA Board of Directors




毫无疑问,这个假期对于我们很多人来说将是和以往不同的。不同不一定是件坏事。虽然疫情严重,我们其实还是可以和家人一起度过一个丰富多彩的,别样的假 期。圣诞节和新年标志着寒冬已至,病毒更加活跃。也意味着节日旅行和聚会高潮到来,病毒传播的机会更多。希望我们每一个人都高度警惕和预防,安全度过这个 特殊的假日。圣诞节过后,我们马上迎来崭新的2021年。无论2020有多么特别,疫情终会结束。 相信接下来的每一天都会更好。让我们一起迎接全新的开始,辞旧迎新!




